Storm windows
The Benefits Of Replacement Windows In Homes There is no doubt that replacing your home’s old windows with new energy-efficient ones can save you money on heating bills while improving air quality inside your house. But what exactly do these savings mean to you as an individual homeowner? And how much will it cost you, and for how long? To answer those questions, we first need to understand a few things about window technology. The Basics: What Are Window Types? Windows come in two basic types — replacement windows BUYIMPACTWINDOWS.COM 727-900-5588 99 Pine Ave Oldsmar, Florida 34677 Supporting Sources document Storm windows MS Doc Storm windows PDF Storm windows Storm windows What are storm windows? A storm window is one that is installed on the exterior of existing window panes. They are intended to increase thermal insulation and soundproofing. They can also be used to shield glass windows from hail or flyin...